
Cute Printable Christmas Wish List for Kids (Free Printable)

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This holiday season grab our free printable Christmas lists that will make gift ideas easy! Kids of all ages can use these and there are 2 versions to choose from! 

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A fun tradition that we have always had this time of year is making our wishlists. I hate to admit it, but even me and my husband still do this! There is nothing like waking up on Christmas morning. The twinkling lights, Christmas gifts stacked up, and the anticipation of what’s inside. So technically the older children don’t use these anymore, instead they make their Amazon wish lists – BUT younger kids love it! 

Another Christmas tradition we always do is a printable advent calendar. This goes well, especially for little kids, with our Christmas countdown chain. 

Looking for the best gifts? Be sure to see our best 100+ DIY gifts for everyone on your list, along with cute presents for your BFF, and gifts for the people you work with. You can also grab our free printable Christmas gift tags so it’s one less thing you have to buy from the store. 

If you have littles, be sure to grab our letter to Santa template! Instead of writing a generic list for family, they can create a Santa wish list and you can “send” it off in the free printable North Pole envelope. 

This PDF file is a digital download that you will receive via download link after subscribing. Our printables are for personal use only. No physical product will be shipped.

🌟What’s Included

You will receive three free printable pages that include one list that is a blank template where kids just write in the gifts they would like. The other includes Christmas wishes broken into 4 categories: Need, Want, Wear, and Read. This is a great way for young children and older kids to really think about the perfect gift, while getting more than just toys or wants. 

📌What You’ll Need 

Paper – to print the blank Christmas list template. You can use regular paper or card stock.


Pens/pencils – for kids to use when writing their printable wish lists.

✨Get in the Holiday Spirit 

A fun way to make filling in their Christmas gift list even more exciting is to set the mood! 

Turn on the Christmas music and have some hot cocoa ready or play your favorite Christmas movies in the background. 

For fun ideas and family movie nights be sure to check out our best Christmas gathering ideas for families, cute festivities for kids, and our teen party ideas

You can also turn it into a full family night by making cute Christmas gingerbread houses, baking cookies, or get in the festive spirit with some fun games.

👇How to Download and Print 

After entering your email address, you will receive a download link via email where you can access the free printable Christmas list templates

Download the free templates to your computer, and print out what you need. These are delivered as a PDF file. 

💡Helpful Tips

  • For a more high quality you can print your free printable Christmas wish list template on heavy duty cardstock. If not, regular paper is totally fine. 
  • Check your printer settings before starting for best results. No printer? Local print shops can help, and they are usually reasonably priced or you can check an online print shop. 
  • Our printable wish list isn’t just for kids! It’s a great idea to hand out to family members so Santa Claus is sure to bring them all of their favorite things. 

This Christmas season we hope is filled with festive cheer and lasting memories, along with fun, laughter, and family! Be sure to see all of our Christmas activities and games that are perfect for kids and families. 

✅Grab the Free Christmas Wish List Templates

Simply enter your details below and we will send your free printables to your inbox!

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